Letter to my extremist friends.
To all my extremist friends I'm writing about Easter 1963.
To people of Christian faith or not, it held great significance, particularly if they cared about injustice. Martin Luther King was imprisoned on Good Friday as he and others marched for justice in their fight for civil liberties for black people across America. From prison, he wrote his famous "Letter from a Birmingham Jail".
You can read it in it's entirety:
What stands out for me is the question as shown in the photo. "Will we be extremists for hate, or extremists for love?" This should be highly relevant to all of us if we really care about others, and especially those whose belief systems focus on loving and caring for a world in need.
As for me I would love people to remember me as a radical extremist whose life was known for loving others. As a Christian that is what I believe I am called to be. As a humanist also I know that as a conviction.
At the beginning of every month, our refugee friends in Nairobi are desperately seeking donations to pay for rent, food and water, and electricity for the month. Without rents paid, they will be evicted onto the streets, very often with their belongings and vital documents locked in their houses and kept from them.
Can you please help us help them? Can you commit a monthly amount to keep their safe houses SAFE? $80 provides food, $100 rent for a month. Join us as Extremists for Love. Please.
Thank you for your ongoing donations and support. We are making a difference! www.h-i-n.org/donations
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